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UK Window Prices Overview

Understanding replacement window prices requires consideration of various factors, such as type, frame material, colour, and size.

Different window types have varying costs, ranging from budget-friendly casement windows to more expensive sash and tilt & turn windows.

New windows cost anything between £550 and £3,600 per window, depending on the options chosen, size, and the number you order. uPVC casement windows are the most cost-effective option, costing between £550 to £1,900 depending on size, glazing, and volume to be replaced.


Window Pricing and Aspects to Consider

Below is a brief summary of the estimated cost of a single casement window in various materials, excluding installation fees:


Window Type Cost
UPVC Window £200
Aluminium Window £300
Timber Window £350

Window prices aren’t uniform; they’re shaped by a variety of factors, including:

  • The type of window
  • Frame material
  • Size
  • Colour
  • Customization options

Imagine a broad spectrum: at one end, you have casement windows, known for their affordability, while at the other, you encounter sash or bay windows. Replacing windows of these styles is pricier due to their intricate design and operation.

Now, factor in the frame material – whether uPVC, aluminium, or timber – each with its cost implications.

Consider the size, colour, and customisation options, and you’ll find a diverse price range as varied as the windows themselves, making it challenging to pinpoint the expected cost of window replacement for your property.

Average Price of Replacement Windows in the UK

What is the expense of window replacement? This varies based on the type, which we’ll detail below.

We’ll explore the typical cost of casement windows, sash windows, and tilt-and-turn windows.

In summary:

  • Casement windows are hinged on one side and open outward. They offer versatility and easy maintenance.
  • Sash windows, featuring vertical sliding operation, exude classic charm but tend to be more expensive.
  • Tilt-and-turn windows combine functionality and aesthetics, albeit with a price range leaning towards the higher end.
Style Cost
Casement Window £200
Sash Window £400
Tilt & Turn Window £500

Dimension, colour, and personalisation

The appeal of personalisation lies in its ability to infuse your windows with unique touches. Yet, it’s crucial to note that these personalised additions can impact the overall cost.

Typically, standard window sizes come with predictable prices, but venturing into non-standard dimensions might inflate your expenses.

Likewise, while white uPVC remains the conventional choice, selecting a woodgrain effect or a vibrant colour can elevate the visual appeal of your windows, albeit potentially raising your invoice as well.

Costs of Window Frame Materials

Much like a picture frame enhances an image, the material of your window frame can elevate both the appearance and performance of your windows.

Frames crafted from uPVC are favoured for their economical nature, providing durability, low maintenance, and superior insulation, albeit at a cost.

However, if you’re inclined to splurge for a contemporary, streamlined aesthetic, aluminium frames could be the perfect fit.

For those with the timeless elegance and innate warmth of wood, timber frames are an option, albeit with a premium price tag.

The Typical Cost of Window Replacement in 2024

Having delved into the various influences on window prices, let’s now focus on the bottom line – quite literally. On average, replacing windows comes to around £4,500 for a 3-bedroom house, VAT included.

However, it’s important to note that this is merely an average. Your actual expenses might be lower if you opt for uPVC casement windows in a modest terrace house, or they could be higher if you choose wooden sash windows for a spacious, detached property.

uPVC windows tend to be more budget-friendly compared to other materials, with casement windows representing the most economical option.

This estimate encompasses all additional factors, such as installation expenses, material quality, and any specific requirements that could sway your final cost in either direction.

For households with limited incomes, there are government-sponsored window grants available to assist with the installation of new windows in homes and properties.

Pricing of uPVC Windows Across Various Styles

For individuals aiming to strike a balance between affordability and functionality, uPVC windows stand out as a popular choice. However, even within this realm of budget-friendly options, prices may fluctuate based on the window’s style.

Let’s delve deeper into the cost breakdown of uPVC windows for different styles.

Casement Windows: The Economical Choice in uPVC

Casement windows stand as the budget-friendly champions within the realm of uPVC.

Operated effortlessly with a basic handle, these windows are favoured for their affordability.

Yet, their simplicity doesn’t detract from their performance. They’re versatile, convenient, and ensure excellent ventilation.

Moreover, they offer an uninterrupted view thanks to the absence of a central rail.

When closed, they form a secure seal, bolstering both security and energy efficiency.

Sash Windows: The Aesthetic Icons

While casement windows reign supreme in affordability, sash windows excel in aesthetics.

Featuring a vertical sliding mechanism, sash windows infuse homes with a sense of elegance and timeless charm.

Yet, this beauty comes with a cost. On average, sash windows are 50% pricier than their casement counterparts.

However, for those who prioritise aesthetics, the additional expense of sash windows may be justified. Explore our guide on the costs of uPVC sash windows here.

Tilt-and-Turn Windows

Tilt-and-turn windows provide a fusion of functionality and style. Their dual opening mechanism allows for both inward tilting from the top and turning via the handle.

This versatility ensures optimal ventilation and facilitates easy cleaning.

However, this multifaceted design comes with a premium price tag. Tilt-and-turn windows typically cost 25% more than casement windows.

What is the Cost of 2 uPVC Windows?

For a pair of average-sized uPVC windows, anticipate spending approximately £400 solely for the windows themselves. Purchasing in larger quantities might qualify you for a discount on your new uPVC windows. Consequently, a set of 8 uPVC windows will average around £1,500, excluding installation costs.

Refer to the table below for a quick overview of multiple windows and their average prices

Number Of UPVC Windows Average Cost
1 £200
2 £400
3 £600
4 £800
5 £1,000
6 £1,200
7 £1,350
8 £1,500
9 £1,650
10 £1,800
11 £1,950

(Note: Prices are based on a 600mm x 800mm White uPVC double-glazed window with a top opener.)

 Aluminium Windows Costs

Ascending the cost hierarchy, we encounter aluminium windows, which are pricier compared to uPVC.

Featuring a casement aluminium window frame material, they boast a sleek, contemporary appearance. While their price surpasses that of uPVC windows, they present a distinctive array of benefits.

Aluminium windows are renowned for their durability and modern aesthetic appeal.

Additionally, they offer enhanced thermal efficiency in comparison to uPVC, potentially resulting in long-term savings on energy expenses, despite the initial higher cost of aluminium windows.

Opting for aluminium windows is an excellent decision for those seeking to upgrade to a modern aesthetic while improving energy efficiency.

 Wooden Frame Windows Costs

At the pinnacle of the price spectrum, wooden frame windows reign supreme. These timber windows offer a classic, refined aesthetic and have the potential to substantially enhance a property’s value.

However, they come with a hefty price tag attributed to the material’s inherent appeal and the craftsmanship involved in crafting the frames. Wooden frames generally incur costs that are 50% higher than uPVC.

Nevertheless, for those prepared to make the investment, wooden windows present a durable, visually appealing solution that stands the test of time.

Individual Window Cost

The cost of a single window can fluctuate significantly, contingent upon factors such as the window type, frame material, and size.

For instance, a solitary uPVC casement window could range from approximately £500 to £1,800, depending on the particular features you select.

Keep in mind, acquiring a new window entails more than simply plugging a gap in the wall; it involves selecting from a range of window styles that complement your home, materials that deliver optimal performance, and a size that aligns with your space.

Dual Window Costs

You may encounter some economies of scale when considering dual windows, which consist of two units joined together, providing potential cost savings when bought in larger quantities.

The pricing will be influenced by the window type and frame material, and the quantity required will also impact the total expense.

While there might be savings in the per-window cost, it’s essential to note that dual windows are larger and might entail a more intricate installation process, potentially contributing to higher overall costs.

Bay Window Cost

Boasting charming alcoves and abundant natural light, bay windows are a coveted feature for numerous homeowners. Nevertheless, their larger size and intricate installation contribute to a steeper price.

For those ready to make the investment, despite the higher cost, a bay window can substantially enhance a property’s aesthetic appeal and potential resale value.

Bay windows serve as an exceptional addition to any residence, offering a distinctive ambiance and visual appeal.

How to Secure the Best Window Prices

Having delved into the diverse realm of window prices, the query emerges: How can one guarantee obtaining the most favourable price?

The key lies in thorough research and comparison. Ensure you weigh various options effectively.

Look beyond mere price points and consider factors such as:

  • Material quality
  • Installation expenses
  • Warranty coverage
  • Post-sales support

Bear in mind, the most economical quote may not necessarily offer the best overall value.

Get Multiple Quotes for New Windows.

Securing a variety of quotes is essential to guaranteeing the most favourable price for your new windows.

This approach provides insight into the anticipated price spectrum and enables you to assess diverse suppliers and their propositions.

Ensure comparability by scrutinising quotes for identical window types, frame materials, and sizes. Additionally, factor in any supplementary expenses, such as installation charges.

The Advantages of New Windows

Embracing new windows offers numerous advantages, including:

  • Elevated aesthetics for your home
  • Enhanced energy efficiency
  • Noise reduction
  • Augmented security
  • Enhanced comfort
  • Elevated home value

While some individuals opt to paint UPVC windows to enhance their appearance, investing in new ones not only aids in saving money on energy bills but also promotes a quieter and more comfortable lifestyle.

Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

Among the most compelling motivations to upgrade to new windows is the prospect of energy conservation.

Modern windows, especially those featuring double or triple glazing, have the potential to notably enhance your home’s insulation. This improvement aids in retaining warmth during winter and keeping out excess heat during summer.

Moreover, it serves to mitigate condensation build-up on your windows, which, if left unaddressed, can lead to long-term damage.

Persistent condensation and ensuing damage may culminate in window leakage.

By enhancing your home’s comfort level and curbing energy consumption, investing in new windows can translate into substantial savings on heating and cooling expenses.

Improved Security

New windows can bolster the security of your residence.

Incorporating elements such as toughened glass, multi-point locking mechanisms, and sturdy frames significantly raise the difficulty for potential intruders attempting to breach your home.

Hence, while the initial investment in new windows may appear substantial, given their expense, they also offer invaluable peace of mind.

Sound Reduction

In a world where noise pollution is on the rise, the capacity of modern double-glazed windows to diminish noise can prove immensely advantageous.

A double-glazed window, equipped with double glazing, effectively mitigates the ingress of external noise into your living space, fostering a serene and tranquil atmosphere.

Whether situated near a bustling thoroughfare or simply cherishing moments of tranquillity, the noise reduction afforded by new windows is a substantial asset.

Replacing Current Windows vs. Installing New Windows

When contemplating window upgrades, you might ponder whether it’s more cost-efficient to replace your current windows or install entirely new ones.

Opting to replace existing windows could be a more economical route, particularly if your current frames remain in good shape.

However, the installation of new windows might be preferable if you seek a substantial enhancement in energy efficiency or aesthetics.

Grasping the expenses and advantages associated with window replacement versus installation of new ones can empower you to make the optimal choice for your home and financial circumstances.

Comparing Triple Glazed Windows to Double Glazed Windows

As you navigate through the realm of window pricing, you might find yourself deliberating the merits of double-glazed windows versus triple-glazing.

While triple glazing indeed offers superior insulation and noise reduction, it also carries a heftier price tag.

Hence, the question arises: Is the additional investment worthwhile, or should you opt for the more economical double glazing cost instead? To arrive at an informed decision, consider utilizing a double-glazing cost calculator to juxtapose the expenses.

The outcome will hinge on variables such as your financial constraints, energy consumption patterns, and the ambient noise levels in your vicinity.

Though double glazing prices may be more budget-friendly, comprehending the distinctions can assist you in making a discerning choice that aligns with the needs of your home.

Selecting the Right Window Installation Service

Picking the appropriate window installation service holds equal significance to selecting the right windows.

After all, even the finest windows may not function optimally if they’re not installed properly.

When in search of a window installer, it’s vital to compare quotes, verify certifications, and peruse reviews.

Keep in mind, the most inexpensive quote might not always be the most suitable – what you seek is an installer who will deliver quality workmanship, not merely a low-cost option.

Tips for Cutting Costs on New Windows

Though new windows represent a substantial investment, there are methods to economize without compromising quality.

Opting for budget-friendly frame materials such as uPVC, selecting standard sizes, and soliciting multiple quotes can all contribute to cost savings on your new windows.

Keep in mind that investing in top-notch windows can yield long-term benefits, including reduced energy expenses and enhanced property worth.

Window Planning Regulations and Permits

Prior to commencing your window replacement endeavour, it’s imperative to acquaint yourself with any pertinent planning regulations and permits.

Specific window types or property classifications may necessitate planning permission, and neglecting to secure this authorisation can result in penalties or legal complications.

It’s advisable to consult your local council or a qualified window installer to ascertain compliance with all applicable regulations.

Understanding Quotations and Evaluating Costs

In your pursuit of new windows, you’ll encounter a plethora of quotes from various suppliers.

Mastering the art of comprehending these quotes and conducting comparisons is pivotal in securing the optimal deal.

It’s imperative to delve beyond the mere bottom-line price; factors such as window quality, installation expenses, and bundled services warrant consideration.

Keep in mind, the most economical quote may not always signify the best value proposition. It’s essential to assess all facets before arriving at a decision.


From grasping the elements impacting window prices to scrutinising quotes and selecting the appropriate installer, we trust this guide has furnished you with a thorough understanding.

Whether rejuvenating weary windows in a terrace abode or installing fresh ones in a detached dwelling, opting for replacement windows confers notable advantages.

These encompass heightened energy efficiency, diminished noise levels, and fortified security.

Thus, although the initial expenditure may appear substantial, the enduring savings and augmented property worth can render it a prudent investment.


What is the cost of installing new windows in a two-bedroom terrace house?

The expense of installing new windows in a two-bedroom terrace residence can fluctuate significantly, contingent upon the window type, the chosen material, and the unique installation prerequisites.

Typically, the cost of double glazing for a two-bedroom house falls within the range of £2,240 to £3,100.

It's crucial to note that these figures serve merely as an estimate, and the actual expenses may differ based on individual circumstances.

What is the cost of installing new windows in a 3-bedroom semi-detatched house?

The expense of installing new windows for a three-bedroom semi-detached house can likewise fluctuate, influenced by the same factors.

Typically, outfitting a three-bedroom semi-detached house with new windows may fall within the range of £5,000 to £7,000 on average.

How much are new windows in a 4-bed detached house?

The expense of installing new windows for a four-bedroom detached house is typically elevated owing to the property's larger size and the quantity of windows.

On average, one might anticipate paying approximately £6,000 to £15,000 for eight windows and 2 uPVC doors across the UK.

Alternatively, the cost might range from £2,550 to £16,800 for 15 to 18 uPVC casement windows.

How much should I spend on new windows?

The typical cost for new windows ranges from £550 to £3,600 per window.

A white uPVC casement window is the most affordable option, priced between £550 to £1,900. This cost varies based on factors like the type of glass, window design, and quantity ordered.

Ordering multiple windows, such as for an entire house, often results in a volume discount from the window supplier, making the replacement windows more economical per unit.

What is the average cost for new windows in the UK?

The mean expenditure for window replacement in the UK stands at £640 per window.

This figure may fluctuate based on factors such as size, glazing design, and material. Opting for uPVC casement windows, the most cost-effective alternative, can range between £550 to £1,900.